A Nightfall Ritual - Album Cover Unveiled!
Mar 11, 2025
I hope you’re doing well! I’m in a “kid at heart” state of mind as I’m sitting in my Drummondville office watching the snow fall down in such a beautiful and poetic way on this early Sunday morning! I know I’m not making any Canadian friends right now as they’ve been under this tyrannical weather since last December, but for me, following a 4-month journey in Africa, my first snowstorm of the year is kind of exotic; it even brings back beautiful memories of ice hockey, snowboarding, and snowball fights – all the real fun and joy of being a kid growing up in the Northern Hemisphere!
I don’t know if it’s the fact that I’m sharing something exclusive with you that brings such a beautiful vibe within me or a pure sense of denial regarding what’s going on around our wonderful world these days, (sorry Louis Amstrong), or maybe the simple fact that I’m isolated with you all in my mind while listening to King Hannah and watching the snow fall down, but, I’m in a nice mood this morning, even if I thought it would be kind of hard to comeback in this part of the world at this time of the year, especially under the crazy wave of despair hitting us strongly all across the globe.
I stopped writing for a few minutes following those two paragraphs above, reflecting on this strange, almost euphoric feeling that comes as a nice surprise, and I think it is because I’m sharing something that, to me, goes above and beyond an album cover, a photograph, and even a concert, something that is way above our own selves, a celebration of something so beautiful, so inspiring, so unique and powerful that in my heart and mind it resonates much louder than desperation. And this is us, even those who weren’t there, this huge and fabulous “us” that I want to celebrate today!
I’m not sure I have encountered a deeper sense of global sadness and despair in my life than right now. It’s getting harder and harder to see some light in the thick and dark fog, which not only surrounds us but is slowly becoming a part of us in a collective and personal sense.
As I read in so many publications, heard it through so many different conversations, thousands of us feel it, despite our efforts to remain optimistic and our relatively privileged lives. Helplessness, both personal and collective, is what defines this era the most, I believe.
It seeps into our conversations – when faced with climate disasters, social fractures, and unjust wars. It surfaces when we do meaningless work or take the subway, coming face to face with the depths of human misery. It fuels anxiety. It is also deeply personal. It infiltrates our minds, our hearts, and inhabits our most secret thoughts. It’s a plague, a huge one, and a global one.
But that night of July 27, 2024, everything was in a completely opposite direction spirit and vibe-wise, as we gathered to celebrate something else altogether. Was it to celebrate Alex’s comeback on stage after being dead for a few hours on a table where surgeons were putting together a miracle? Was it to celebrate life in its purest essence? Was it to see friends and allow music to cure our daily struggles? Was it to let go of our hardest burdens? Was it to party and cheers to rock n’ roll?! Whatever it was, the real essence of that night, what we’re celebrating throughout this upcoming release, is this incredible and beautiful spirit we’re giving life to when we’re simply together, as we fundamentally are, in its purest expression!
To me, that moment will live on forever within my heart and soul, as you all surprised us, in the band, in such a beautiful way with your smiles, your vibe, and your incredible sense of celebrating this most valuable thing we have and share in a soulful fashion: us!
A Nightfall Ritual! Something with which we can become singular, as one, as a part of our identity, to take action, because resignation is a poison, in my opinion, this is what that beautiful and unforgettable evening was to me. And I’m forever thankful for you who came, and now, so thrilled to share it with you all by making it accessible and available for us all!
As Alex wrote in his latest newsletter:
That’s why my current focus is mainly about “being” better; a better person, a better friend, a better brother, a better son. What I do is the extension of who I am. The fight is no longer against the “world” or its impalpable entity depriving me from what I deserve (of course I deserve everything I want, right?!); the battle is against my nature, my fears, my doubts, my insecurities, whatever I might identify (and blame) as the so-called by-product of my past, circumstances, environment, my health, even.
But the reality is way easier to circonspect than any of the usual reasons I use to justify how I feel at any given moment… No, it’s not easy to "be”, but it's a step further towards what's real, or real enough to accept our own oddity and to keep digging onward, to explore what lies inside and to identify what's magnificent from what’s probably too horrible to admit its presence within us.
The current HTR Store is about to go through very important changes and modifications.
We used to work around 4 different stores which were all adapted to certain languages and currencies but those days are now over. We’ll be merging those 4 stores into a single one! I know this might sound worrisome, but don’t worry, we figured it all out for you prior to launching it. You will receive an email from info@htrstore.com to activate your new account and steps for you to do prior to March 14. Please, let me know if you have any questions, I’ll be available for you of course!
Let’s celebrate what we value the most on a daily basis as this is what will survive us all!
Let’s be great to one another!
Your Chief Operator and Friend,