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The Hunter Vinyl Is Already Sold Out! Check All the Details About Alex

The Hunter Vinyl Is Already Sold Out! Check All the Details About Alex's Live on Saturday!

I hope you’re doing well! The past week has been once again quite inspiring around here, especially the past two days, where it was just amazing for us all to share this passion and love for music and vinyls! What a treat! Thanks for giving us this tremendous opportunity to offer you the chance to either complete your collection of lathe cut vinyls or to get it started!

For Alex and I, that decision created a lot of excitement as we were stunned not only by your overwhelming engagement towards the project, but we were all very touched by all the comments you sent us as well.

And to see Alex being so involved in those live draws, knowing how uncomfortable he is in front of a camera, was also quite a statement to just how significant it is for him to totally invest himself in the project… The way he tries to pronounce your name is worth attending the live even if you’re not part of the draw!

Therefore, since you were incredibly more numerous to want a copy of "The Hunter" than the actual number of vinyls we had available, Alex will do a live draw to determine which one of you will get his collector edition on his Facebook page this upcoming Saturday, November 21, at 9am (ET)!

*(Click here to know the exact time in your location)

It’s all about honoring the communion we have together through all the fun and excitement we all presently need to share. Even if you are not part of the draw, it would be very nice to simply see you for a chat this Saturday!


What is very important to understand is that, since we only have a few copies left of each of those lathe cut vinyls crafted by Alex himself, we took an important decision to make it fair and fun for everyone.

So again, when we talked about it, it was clear that Alex didn’t want to simply do a “first come, first served” kind of thing, especially not in The Club! He didn’t want to create a competition about it, so we had to figure another way, and I think we did! In fact, that’s what I really like about Alex; there’s always some magic, fun, and depth added to what could easily be boring and insignificant! He is so engaged in every little detail, mixing art, communion with people and meaning into the non-personal nature of commerce! So, here’s how this will work!

  1. Please make sure your account has been created within our new online store:
  2. Each vinyl will be exclusively available in The Club for 2 days for you all to get an even chance to buy it.
  3. There is a limit of 1 vinyl per person.
  4. If we sell more than the vinyls we have in our possession during those 2 days, Alex will go live on his Facebook page in order to publicly draw the lucky winners this Saturday, November 21 at 9am Eastern Time (Details Below).
  5. If you purchased a vinyl during those 2 days and that your name doesn’t come out of the hat during the live draw, we will send you your money back right away.
  6. In an improbable case that we do not sell all the vinyls during those 2 days, everyone who purchased one will get it automatically.
  7. Once the vinyl is publicly available to everyone, it will be a "first come, first served" system until it is sold out!
  8. Next Release dates: November 30 / December 16
  9. I will personally reach the winners via email following the Facebook Live draw!
  10. Since those are the “safety” copies we kept in case something goes wrong during the shipping process, we won’t be able to replace your copy if anything happens. In that case, we will refund you. Let’s all hope everything will be alright.

If you have any questions regarding any of the above points, please feel free to simply answer this message and I’ll get back to you personally!  


Make sure to join Alex on his Facebook page this Saturday November 21 at 9am (ET) as he will do a live draw to determine which ones of you will get one of the last copies of the collector edition LP “The Hunter”.

I will share the winners' names in my next Cult Missive on the same day, November 21, along with a few more insights about how the two drums thing came together when we play The Hunter live! 

Stay safe and hopeful! We’ll be in touch again very soon!

Your host and friend,


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