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❤️‍ Where Alex wrote Windows in the Sky - From Tangier with Love [Series #3]

❤️‍ Where Alex wrote Windows in the Sky - From Tangier with Love [Series #3]


I hope you’re doing well! I’m bringing you to a very special and inspiring place this morning. I thought you’d like to know, see, and get inspired by this place as well!

Everything ended and started again precisely here, from 2016 to the present day…

If you’re a recent member of The Club, I’m inviting you to read what I shared a few years ago about the writing and recording of Alex’s album Windows in the Sky as we spent more than 6 months here in Tangier, the entire band together, giving life to something above and beyond our own selves!

Thank you again for your kind words for Alex. This truly means the world to him! You can still write to him here:

Let’s be great to one another!

Your Friend and Host,

PS: The pictures above were taken at Dar Nour, as they’re building a wall of artists who truly inspired them and this city, by simply incarnating what history calls “the Spirit of Tangier”!

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