The Power of the Heart LP, New Video, Live Concert, and More!
May 19, 2022
I hope you’re doing well! I’m always so delighted to have the chance to send you those letters about what’s happening with Alex and the Long Shadows’ creative life! Our way to embrace life has always been to the fullest, no matter the circumstances, and every time I sit down in front of this white page, it sort of brings me deeper into those projects taking some time to revisit your comments and some key moments we’ve been through as they were being created!
This year has been insane so far, with the recording and the release of The Power of the Heart, the latest live concert around All the Violence in the World with all profits going to Ukraine, and now, Alex’s upcoming UK-EU tour, his very first headline tour. Alex and I truly can’t wait to meet you all during soundcheck before every concert!
The actual vibe at Alex’s home, which has become more of a studio and a noise factory, is quite poignant and emotional, to say the least. The journey to get to The Power of the Heart and All the Violence in the World has been, as always, quite an intense one. Alex needed a few days out of the studio following the last live show we did to support our Ukrainians friend, but being close to him, this wasn’t only about what we see and hear on the news. It was more about some personal wounds still in need of healing after resurfacing in an unexpected and unpredicted way as we’re the whole band together digging to find what we’re looking for!
Alex told me, no later than yesterday: “This is why I always wait as long as I can before joining you guys in the studio, as I can’t fake it! Music always brings me into the deepest of all places within me, and as time goes by, I always feel like I’m not ready for this.” The drifting walk throughout this long healing journey is not alien to us at all, which makes it even more paramount and worthy! We truly are very impatient to share this with you all this Sunday and on the road! :)

We decided it would be great to keep this vinyl permanently available for everyone on our HTR Store like all the other “official releases” we’ve done in the past for Windows in the Sky and Standing Under Bright Lights. Pre-Sale will start this Friday, May 20, until we’re back from tour and can start shipping again, around September 1!
2. DIY
As you know, those beautiful vinyls are home made by The Long Shadows’ guitar player, Ben, who spends countless hours in his tiny and way-too-warm room cutting those vinyls one at a time! Being DIY artists and entrepreneurs allows us the freedom of doing whatever we want and whenever we want but within the frustrating paradigms of time and deadlines! With all the projects we have done so far and the upcoming tour — Ben being The Long Shadows’ conductor and Alex’s studio partner — he could only cut a small amount of vinyls, at least for now! This is why the LP will be available on a pre-order basis on the HTR store starting this Friday, May 20th.
We will work on a long pre-sale campaign until September 1st, as we’re coming back from tour on August 15. This will allow us and Ben to take a quick nap and get back to the cutting press for you guys to get your vinyls and packages as quickly as possible! The pre-sale starts this Friday, May 20, at 10am ET! Take your time, you’ll have plenty!
The small quantity of LPs we already have will be coming on tour with us and will be available at some of the shows until they’re all sold out...! This unfortunately doesn’t mean we’ll have vinyls for the entire tour. We can’t guarantee we’ll have enough copies for everyone. If you pre-order on the store, we cannot guarantee we will be able to give it to you in person either. Since we know this is paramount for amazing collectors as you are, Alex and I are putting together a nice surprise for you all which will be added to your orders. There are rumors that a beautiful 7’’ vinyl will be added, but I have to dig a little more and bring my investigation further!
Alex and I truly are aware of the worldwide economic situation and reality, where everything just gets more and more expensive at the speed of light. Having just released All the Violence in the World a few weeks ago, we didn’t want anyone in The Club to miss an opportunity to get the LP The Power of the Heart, knowing many of you just got the previous one. These LPs are costly, we know it, we’re always very thankful and humble regarding this economic reality, and we don’t want you to feel pressured in this amazing collector spirit of yours!
If you have any questions, please, simply answer this email and I’ll get back to you!

This concert will be one of a kind, since this song truly means a lot to Alex and we’re both very blessed to welcome you to his home in Virginia for the second time around, for very personal and meaningful projects!
During this concert and interview event, Alex will also share the new video of The Power of the Heart filmed by our dear and close friend Jessie Nottola! But as you know Alex more and more now… Here’s the video, just for you, in grande premiere! No need to say, please keep this for yourself!!! :)
We highly appreciate you!!!! Stay safe out there and see you Sunday!
Your Host and Friend,