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We All Wish to Find a Place…

We All Wish to Find a Place…


I hope you’re doing great as we all went through what has been such a noisy week on a worldwide political standpoint. And let’s brace ourselves, as this wonderful masquerade is far from being over! But don’t worry, I’m not sending this missive to add up to the noise. I’m hoping for the complete opposite in all honesty, just like we’ve been doing here, at our Tangier studio, looking for something transcending what we know, what we understand, what we can rely on, feel secured around, and as Alex puts it: “We all wish to find a place, to go back as a lover, to feel the tide from our high-wave stand.” 

Since we came back to Tangier last November, everything has been like a battlefield on every possible level you could imagine for us. Nothing went according to what was planned, meticulously orchestrated for months into Alex’s mind. Everything has been the complete opposite in fact, in this very city where most of Alex’s very first album Windows in the Sky has been written, where we arrived all doubtful and non-believers about a musical future as a whole and left completely mesmerized and transformed by what has been such a life changing experience. The city where Shadows of our Evening Tides has been written! An ode to this huge and powerful thing called Love! (Sorry Freddy) 

I’m listening to Fugazi as I’m writing these words down and I’m kinda raging deep inside. I not only feel but I know how important the place where we stand right now is; one of the most important we have stood on in years. Since we last came here in fact…! “No rest without love, no sleep without dreams of love –

This transcending spirit of some kind will not occur overnight simply because it’s something we’re all desperately craving for, or because we think we deserve it. If we want answers we have to dig for those, to figure those out, to dig, to look around, to be in motion, on our way to incarnate what we think lives out there, beyond the visible horizon. Alex Henry Foster’s music is not something that comes up easily, it is not something that just occurs one lovely sunny afternoon on our studio rooftop as we’re looking out to Spain, shining over the Mediterranean sea under one of the bluest of all skies…! 

Alex Henry Foster's music is something that we need to live, navigate through, incarnate, fight for, dream of, sometimes cry and scream for as we can’t even touch it. Sometimes sleepless, hopeless, sometimes joyful and hopeful. “The weight of the world is love. Under the burden of solitude, under the burden of dissatisfaction…” 

In other words, even if we’re behind what we planned, what we hoped for, what we came here to do, Alex Henry Foster’s new album is being written in an atomic way, as we’re very slowly, and little by little, becoming the work, becoming the journey, allowing its seeds to take roots within our own calendar-control-freaks selves. 

This album is being written through our moments together, through our conversations, as we’re walking in this city’s streets and stopping by every now and then to talk with our new local friends who are growing up in numbers on a daily basis. The album is being written as Alex feeds the homeless dogs every evening and as we’re all fighting against what’s within our own selves and could be in the way of what transcends our own knowledge and understanding of this world we live in and desperately love even if we don’t feel aligned with it in any possible way. 

We all wish to find a place, to go back as a friend
To hear our names from the high-wave stand

We all wish to find a place
We all wish to find a place, to go back as a lover
We stir and swirl, we kneel and hope, we cry and pray
Trying to follow

We all wish to find a place, to go back as a lover
To feel the tide from our high-wave stand

In the shadows between the lights
In the shadows of our evening tides
I never learned how to swim
Like water in my hands, on your lips

In the shadows of our evening tides

Another 5 weeks to go here in Tangier! I feel like one of those members of the Futurist Italian groups of people who wanted to demolish museums and libraries as in their minds, they had become a safe place for tourists rather than a meaningful place for art. It’s easy for an artist to repeat what they know, as we’re all looking for something we understand. But this is not why we're here in Tangier amongst all that noisy but beautiful and almost shakespeare-eske chaos. 

Not surprised this city is surrounded by the ocean and the sea, as it’s itself acting like water -  hard to contain, hard to control, hard to predict, free in her own way… Just like music should be. 

Let’s be great to one another

Your Chief Operator (a new title to which Alex promoted me),
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