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Behind the collections

Brighter as We Rise up Again


Brighter as We Rise up Again

Sometimes, the unexpected emergence of new vibrant sensations reveals some pieces of tomorrow’s foreseeing images, ma...
Lights Stretching Over Sorrows


Lights Stretching Over Sorrows

The tour “Lights Stretching Over Sorrows”, for which this poster has been designed, was the first time Alex Henry Fo...
Love Mending Hope


Love Mending Hope

In the midst of the profound confusion and the ongoing desperation we’ve all faced in the last 18 months of our lives...
Standing Under Bright Lights


Standing Under Bright Lights

Standing Under Bright Lights takes place approximately 6 months after the release of Alex Henry Foster’s phenomenal f...
Q&A With Joe Mruk, Artist Behind


"As Long as the Heart…”を描いたアーティストJoe MrukとのQ&A

SFCC The ClubのテーマAs Long as the Heartのイラストを描いたピッツバーグ在住のアーティストJoe MrukとQ&Aをしました。Joeという人物について、ぜひ詳しく知ってもらえたらと思います!また、Ale...
As Long as the Heart...


As Long as the Heart...

As Long as the Heart は、人がそれぞれに歩む人生において、どれだけ希望と復活に満ちた愛、思いやり、許しと贖いが存在しているかを表したイメージ。より良い明日を信じるのすら難しいくらいに心が脆くなっている時でさえも、...

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