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Alex, Kimiyo, Release Day, Press around the world!

Alex, Kimiyo, Release Day, Press around the world!


I hope you’re doing well! It’s Friday evening, a little past 11 pm, and I couldn’t wait any longer before getting started with this week’s missive. We just had such an incredible release day for Kimiyo, which is never a given, especially for a DIY artist such as Alex, for whom so many details have to carefully be taken care of, from our four online stores to Spotify, to our newsletters, social media, up to our Wikipedia pages! We of course need to add the shipping part to this, on top of Alex’s newly found greatest passion, the QR codes audio messages! 

Trust me, some release days have been – and still are – the worst days of my life, but there’s no better way to learn than to miserably drop the ball! Today, however, has been one of the good ones, one that we’ll remember forever as a true celebration, starting at midnight last night up to right now! Kimiyo has been a true celebration of life ever since Alex had this idea of collaborating with Momoka and Ben for the first time on a musical journey that has so much meaning and so much depth. Of course, this adds to the joy we all have regarding this entire campaign and all that we’ve accomplished, but above it all, what we built and shared with you! 

Alex and I have always been very proud of the hard work and passion we have the privilege to inject into all of our projects, and of being surrounded by such a dedicated team and group of people! But, two things come across as even more stressful than all of the above. The first one is you, and your reactions toward the project. We’ve been quite blessed so far since no one started a riot. The second, and for this one we couldn’t care less, is the media’s reaction...! Alex and I always find it interesting and especially tricky to see that some people make a living criticizing other people’s artistic work! How can one decide that they know what’s cool, trendy, good, bad, meaningful, soulful, boring, and so on AND hit the mark every time?! 

Over the years, we became better at facing what the press thought of what we dedicated parts of our lives to in order to give birth to something greater than our own selves. And this is why I decided to do a video where, you and I together, would discover what the press had to say about Kimiyo, and my reactions to it! We’re fortunate to now have a few friends in the media, longtime relationships strongly built around music, life, soul, art, and of course, humanity! 

Also, Alex and I decided to invite you for a great conversation event about Kimiyo in order to dig down deeper into the project. It’s something that the press always neglects to do, and since this music is so much more than simply notes, lyrics, and rhythms, we wanted to invite you to be a part of it, since you’re a member of The Club! 


I really love sharing and building with you on such a level! Thank you so much for watching and please, send me any possible questions you might have regarding the project Kimiyo! I’ll be delighted to ask them to Alex for our May 11th event! The event will take place on Alex’s YouTube channel!

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The journey is just getting started! 

Let’s be great to one another!

Your Host and Friend, 

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